Set up and security
To rig your kite safely minimizes accidents. When you come to the beach and are super-tagged on surfing, it's easy to forget some parts.
We divide the set up into two parts: 1. pump the kite and 2. connect the lines. It sounds easy no matter what it is! But it can go wrong. Here we go through how you do it. When you take the kite course we go through everything in detail.
Most serious kite accidents occur on land. When launching your kite, make sure to leave the beach as soon as possible and get out on the water.
Tips for a safer kite environment:
Feel free to check in at the kite spot - so your relatives know where you are.
Always do risk analysis and beach checks.
Read local rules and restrictions.
Do not kitesurf among bathers.
Lay the kite with the leading edge down and facing the wind. Preferably lay the lines down in the wind/up wind (in the lay of the kite).
Secure your kite!
Take it easy! Don't stress or run on the beach.
Use the right signs, both you and the person helping you.
Ahead of launch: arm straight out sideways from body and thumb up.
Land or cancel: pat your hand at your head or show thumb down. -
Keeping your kite in the direction of the wind will reduce the risk of being lifted if you are over-rigged or the kite stalls and falls down and in the worst case, falls into your power zone.
Collect lines as soon as possible after taking down your kite, the lines will last longer and people and animals will not have to stumble upon them.
If you forgot any steps, ask other kiters on the beach!
Never kitesurf alone!
Be properly dressed for the season, including helmet, life jacket etc.
Warm wetsuit or dry suit in winter.
Always keep track of weather changes and thunderstorms.