If you would like to know more about any kitespot in addition to the information available here, please contact us.

Torhamns udde, Karlskrona
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The most popular kitespot in Blekinge. Optimal wind SW. Works from SSW to NW, in the case of too much north it may become gusty. Good parking. From parking go straight down to the water through the gate into the field. Rigging on fields, at high water there may be wet. Just north of the rigging place, it is sandy bottom and shallow, good for training and school. No big waves. Can be quite choppy. In shallow water and near land however, there is calmer waters.
Available on WOO sports.
Gisslevik, Karlskrona
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Strand belonging to a small campsite. Prohibited for surfing between 1 May-30 September. Optimal wind SW . Works from SW to V. Can be flexible at launch & landing. Good parking. Rigging on beach / grass. Sandy bottom and shallow inside the bay. In the middle of the bay, roughly where it gets deep, there is a larger rock. Not big waves.
Available at WOO sports.

Björkenäs camping, Karlskrona
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Grass area belonging to the campsite. Good parking next to the campsite. In case of not fully booked camping, large rig area (as shown). When fully booked, a fully possible rig area on the other side of the posts with rope. Very accommodating campsite owners. Possibility of changing room with shower for a cost of SEK 5 (summer time). Optimal wind NO . Works from NO to SO. Spot tested at NNO, works but very bumpy, especially on the rig site, not recommended at NNO. Rigging on grass surface. Small sand plate (not natural) at start, rocky bottom. Further out a lot of sandy bottom. There are stones in some places, but otherwise free water. Reef / headland north (Bäcksör) where there will be nice water behind. Not big waves. Can be choppy in very easterly winds, more flat water up by the reef Bäcksör.
Not included in WOO sports.

Kristianopel, Karlskrona
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The outside after the camping place. Optimal wind E. Works from NE to SE, not so good in too much N. Good parking, can enter the camping if you let them know at the check-in, during the off-season is free. Rigging on meadow. Not shallow water. Offshore wind but in a narrow bay. Flat Water.
Available on WOO sports.

Bergkvara, Torsås (Kalmar County but near the border with Blekinge)
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The southern tip of Bergkvara. Optimal wind ENE. Works from NE to SE. Large gravel parking. Rigging on grass. Summer time there is a toilet and a fresh water shower on the rig site. Shallow water furthest into the bay, otherwise deep water. Offshore wind but in a narrow bay. Reef that extends far out. Good flat water.
Available on WOO sports

Fågelmara, Karlskrona
Kitesurfing between and around several islands, just south of Kristianopel. Parking on meadow. Drive past Fågelmara farm, at the y-crossing turn left. Before the last houses, stop right at meadow and park. Respect residents. Optimal wind OSO. Works from O to SO. Good rigging area on meadow. Great natural experience, pay attention to stones though.
Variation of waves and flat water.
Not available at WOO sports.
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Stenshamn, Karlskrona Boat required
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NOTE! Non-tested spot, only reconnaissance done on site. If you tested the place, consult Blekinge surf. Update is expected.
Fantastic inhabited island from the far end of the archipelago. Often windy. There are also archipelago traffic, so you can go by ferry from Karlskrona to Stenshamn. Mooring by boat is easiest in the port of Stenshamns. There is a sauna. Possibility of incredible flatwater in the strait between Stenshamn and Utlängan, so-called Northern Korran. Bridge link between Stenshamn and Utlängan. Should also work south of the bridge, known as Southern Korran, may be more stone here. Probably Optimal wind NW. Should work in all wind directions as there are many choices for rigging places. The wind can be good at the eastern part of the bay between Stenshamn and Utlängan. At east there is also a sandy beach on Utlängans east side.
Not available at WOO sports.

Ungskär, Karlskrona Boat required
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Fantastic inhabited island far out in the archipelago. Often windy. There are also archipelago traffic, so you can go by ferry from Karlskrona city to Ungskär. The whole island is really three different shards - Ungskär, Mellanskär and Lungskär. Kitespot lies between these three shards. Here you can also cross the north side of the island and from there reach the so-called Lagoon (see Vieskär) for epic flat water. Mooring at the harbor, guest harbor. WC available. From the port you go to the rigging place, about 5 minutes. Optimal wind SW. Can also work with E and then ofshore winds but inside the bay with flat water as a result. Also works from SSW to WNW. In western winds, Lungskär can be in the way for the wind in some places, but with flat water as a result. Generally very open and not gusty. Rigging on beach bed. May be wet at high tide, easy to find alternative rigging placees. Sand/clay bottom. Some stones close to land, otherwise free waters. No big waves but can be bigger depending how far out you kite.
Not available at WOO sports.
Vieskär, Karlskrona Boat required
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Many favorite places in the archipelago! Suitable mooring on the north side of Vieskär in the bay, deep water next to the rock. For basic boats you can pull the boat on the beach at the NW side of Vieskär. Rigging on meadow, at the beach on the NW side. Sandy bottom and shallow, good for exercise and school. Some nearby islands have bird protection between 1apr-15jul.
Optimal wind SW. Works from WSW to WNW. No large waves and several places with flat water. May be extremely flat water in the "Lagoon", the strait on the south side between Vieskär and Ungskär (Vieskärsund). Very shallow in the "Lagoon" and at low tide, this is not a place to kite.
Available on WOO sports.

Flakskär, Karlskrona Boat required
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Great place in the archipelago! Suitable mooring in the bay on the north side. Good bridge for mooring. There is also a sailboat mooring place further out. There are 4 simple cabins for rent for overnight, contact Karlskrona Tourist Information. Rigging suitable on the eastern side of the island. Rigging on cliffs/grass. Some rocks just where you go into the water. Optimal wind SW. Works from WSW to ENE. Deep water in the bay. In the middle of the bay there is a rocky part/small island. Flatwater. Can kite around to the south side. The south side can offer great waves.
Available on WOO sports.

Sturkö camping, Karlskrona
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Municipal swimming area (Uttorp bathing place) located inside the camping area. Respect visitors and campers. Surf forbidden between May 1st-September 30th. Very shallow place, which gives good surface water even in strong winds. Further into deeper water it can be choppy. No big waves. Good rigging place on grass/sand. Many kites in the same rigging place are getting crowded though. Part of the edge of the bay/beach there is seaweed. Optimal wind NE. Works from NNE to ESE. Sand/clay bottom and entrance in the water takes place via sandy beach. Spot is a bit farther into the archipelago and may be a bit of shelter for other islands. In the case of eastern and northern winds, the wind usually hits well here, yet the risk of gusty winds. The closest island east that can be found is Järkö, located about 900 meters from the kitespot. Parking by the fotball plan inside the camping area. Short distance to walk from parking to rigging place. If there is crowded with parking, you can also park at check-in to the campsite.
Available on WOO sports.

Stensvik, Karlskrona
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Remote bathing place on the south side of Sturkö. Relatively wide beach and large areas to rig. Rigging on grass/sand. Open sea outside. A nice kite spot. The bottom is sand, gets deep first a bit out. Close to the beach and inside the bay there is no big waves. Longer out bigger waves. At the right conditions, the waves can be big and beautiful, especially outside the bay along the western part of the bay. Optimal wind S. However, the waves may become larger at more western, probably at SSW. Works from SE to SW. However, in the case of too much southwest and south-east, the wind can make it difficult to meet the ridge site optimally. Good parking right next to the beach. Available on WOO sports.

Stumholmen, Karlskrona
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Kite surfing in the center of Karlskrona! Large rigging place on grass. Rocky to go into the water though. This place is a public area for the public and many breed their dogs here. Pay attention to people nearby and show consideration. Pretty choppy water, but you can take long sticks all the way to, for example, Sturkö, where and elsewhere you can find better water that can be really good. Keep in mind your safety if you go away far away. Much boat traffic summertime to pay attention to. The year round, ferry boats and especially the ferry to Aspö are just outside Stumholmen. Notice where these run and avoid being in these leads more than crossing them. If you take a long sticker, you should also keep in mind that Stena Line travels further from/to Verkö. Optimal wind SSE. Works from SW to ENE. Can easily become gusty. May be difficult to find parking outside at Stumholmen. Suggestions for parking see map picture Stumholmen. It's good to drive by car to Stumholmen to unload equipment.
Available on WOO sports

Saltösand bath, Karlskrona
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Municipal bathing place near central Karlskrona. Surf forbidden between May 1st-September 30th. Rigging on the beach. Tree along the beach. May be crowded to rig, especially if docks are laid on the beach. Parking nearby. Optimal wind WSW. Works from WNW to SW. Need to go outside the jetty, well beyond the jetty there is free water. Pay attention to boat traffic. Sandy beach at the beach, then deep water. Often choppy water but not large waves.
Not available at WOO sports.

Tallholmen bathing, Karlskrona
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Municipal swimming area. Surf forbidden between May 1st-September 30th. Rigging on a sandy beach. Tree near sandy beach but okay for rigging. Sand/clay bottom. Single stones close to land, otherwise free. Relatively shallow quite far out (2-3 meters). Optimal wind SSW. Works from SW to SSE. Located quite far into the archipelago. Relatively free water outside so the wind can come in anyway. No big waves. Parking next to the beach.
Available on WOO sports. .

North Bollö, Karlskrona boat required
Island between Aspö and Hasslö. Shallow bay that is relatively protected from waves. Military exercise area, which means that the public has the right of access, but the Armed Forces' ships have priority for mooring at the bridge. During shooting practice, a red flag is hoisted (near the mooring bridge). Rigging can take place in different places, partly flat rocks and partly meadows. In addition to the bridge, you can moor on land where you find it suitable. Due to the short distance between Aspö and Hasslö, the choice of wind directions is minimized. Optimal wind N. Works from NNW to NNO. Not big waves, flat water can be obtained. SO can also work, in this case better flat water is obtained inside the bay.
Not available on WOO sports.
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Yxnaviken, Karlskrona
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Small bathing place on southeast Hasslö. Rigging on sand / meadow. There are smaller bushes to consider when rigging. Quite cramped for space but two kiters are no problem. Sandy bottom and shallow. Good for training. Good for course.
Optimal wind SO. Works from NO to SSO. With too much northern winds, it can be difficult to launch. Can be gusty winds between NO to O. Risk of choppy water when you get out a bit. At SO there may be flat water. The southwestern part of the bay often has flat water. Near land there are a few rocks. Good parking. Parking behind Hasslövarvet. From the parking lot, the path goes to the bathing area.
Available on WOO sports.
Sandvik, Karlskrona

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Bathing place on the southern part of Hasslö. Rigging on sand or meadow.I n the western part there are trees to take into account, in the eastern part more open but risk of gusty winds when launching. Good space for rigging. Sandy bottom and shallow. Stones most at the northern part of the bay, some stones close to beach.
Optimal wind SW. Works from SSW to WSW. You have to cross a lot in the bay and the bay becomes small. Outside the bay open water.
Good parking. Parking a few 100 meters from the beach.
Not available on WOO sports.